Tuesday, December 16, 2008

That's Faith!

On Tuesday morning the arctic blast continued and many of us found ourselves back at work (and a bit envious of the kids in Beaverton who are enjoying another snow day off from school). And though another storm is threatening, all around the church there is preparation. Brent is getting the worship teams ready, Ben has his crew readying the sanctuary for Wednesday night’s Christmas Concert (with Rescue and Effesenden Music), Melinda and her team are putting the finishing touches on the coming pre-Christmas weekend, and plans that were halted for a day or two are being re-engaged. By afternoon it was beginning to warm and unlike yesterday, the roads are less icy and easier to get around on.

Yesterday was a different story. Most of us stayed near home, going out only to hit the hills with a sled. Nonetheless, I ventured out on the road for a short errand. I made it down the street without too much trouble, checking the breaks from time to time to see how much give I had. I turned onto the main road and traffic picked up – there were plenty of cars out. The condition of the road wasn’t too bad, mostly packed snow. Still, I took it all very easy. I noted the caution with which the other drivers were navigating the icy roads. They were slower than usual, watchful of one another, and only tentatively approaching intersections. I grew up in the Midwest where these conditions are a normal winter driving experience, but having previously seen them in action, I am pretty wary of these Oregon drivers. And not to disappoint me, I saw a few drivers who really should have spent the day at home! It occurred to me that at some level, wary as I am, I actually trust these strangers who are driving on my right and my left and even coming the other direction. I trust them to be cautious and to be tentative. We all have the same concern and as far as I can tell, each of them took it as seriously as I did. At some level we had faith in one another to do what is right.

This is a tremendous season and that spirit of trusting each other and investing faith in one another. Christmas faith and good will are nowhere clearer to me than among our church family and friends. Through the season we anticipate together, worship together, laugh together and in general enjoy the fun of a season deeply rooted in our culture. For the Thrive moms it was a Christmas dinner, for the FatherWise dads it was coming up with ways to build Christmas traditions in their homes, and for the East Building kids it was a Sunday morning snowball fight! At the center of it all is a special faith we share n the One who we continually thank – the great Giver of all good things.

Even though we celebrate a season of joy and friendship, filled with such glimpses of hope and trust, it is nonetheless a place that would be left in darkness had it not been for the Light that came into the world. It was into that chaotic world that God Himself came to light the world and to right the world. He came humbly as a child to give His presence, and to ultimately give His life. He looked upon humanity and deemed us worth saving – at any cost. God’s Spirit is alive and at work in the lives of His people. We invite you this season to give your presence to as many people as you can. When you give your presence, you also give the presence of the One in whom you have this great faith and trust without measure.

“Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust.” (Psalms 40:4)

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