Friday, December 26, 2008

This Christmas I've been reminded that there are some things that I never get tired of...

I never get tired of seeing people come to Christ.

(Every year at our candlelighting service we ask people to raise their candles in response to the question "If this was the year that you surrendered your hearts to Jesus, raise your candles up high." I nearly start crying as the candles go up.)

I never get tired of seeing the next generation find their voice in worship.

I never get tired of seeing the hurting and hopeless served in the 'Name of Jesus.'
(Over 450 homeless and needy men/women/and children were served a Christmas dinner and given gift bags by a group from Beaverton Foursquare).

I never get tired of seeing the power of unconditional love.

I never get tired of seeing the example of childlike faith and generosity.
Our kids led the way in giving towards the needs of others through the Advent Conspiracy by focusing on the Sierra Leone Brickmaker Project.

I never get tired of seeing the true joy that comes from serving others.

I never get tired of seeing Faith at Home.
(My son will probably demand a cash remuneration and a public apology for putting his picture on here :)

I never get tired of seeing people bringing glory to God by being who He made them to be.

I never get tired of creative and relevent ways to tell the timeless story.
(scene from the sand painting art showed during the Christmas Eve Service)

What has God shown you or reminded you of this Christmas?


Anonymous said...

Just like you, Pastor Randy, I never get tired of being a part of our Christmas services year after year. And more than just what we do at the holidays, I am so grateful to be a part of a church body where we are all invited to be our authentic selves as we worship and serve God with all He has put within us!!

Great blog!
Thanks, Michelle

Jen said...

God has shown me that my children don't or shoudn't need gifts given to them to appreciate the Gift they've been given. Thank you for all the carols this year!